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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Declaration of originality: The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice or Microsoft Word.
  • The text is Spanish language, figures and tables should be placed in the appropriate places in the text, and referenced in it.
  • The submission must include a file with the approval of the Ethics Committee of the institution where the study was carried out. Include informed consent when appropriate.
  • Declaration of Conflicts of Interest
  • Statement from each of the authors approving the publication. The level of participation of each author should be indicated.
  • Data and research availability statement.

Author Guidelines

Classification of Papers according to Content:


Original. Paper that finds an answer to one or more questions raised, about clinical manifestations, etiology, pathophysiology, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, prognosis, or any other issues regarding perinatal, pediatric or adult health issues that originated in the stages mentioned above. 

Clinical case. Description of one or more cases that make an important contribution to the knowledge of a disease, including a review of the topic.

Update, Revised Paper or Clinical Experience Discussion of recent progress made in Pediatrics. 

Editorial. Space for the Editorial Committee, Board of Directors (or whoever they may appoint), created to highlight current global issues of general interest to pediatricians.

Brief Communications or Reports Any paper that provides an original contribution or a contribution of notorious interest.

Guidelines and Consensus: Space to publish materials from different fields, documents endorsed by institutions that guarantee the validity and quality of the recommendations made. Letter to the Editor.  This section will admit the discussion of papers published in Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay with the contribution of observations or experiences which, due to their characteristics, can be summarized in a brief text. It will also include opinions provided by experts in the field

 Paper Presentation and Structure

Upon paper submission, authors should also submit:

  • Declaration of originality.
  • Statement of financial links or other type of conflicts of interest.
  • Statement by each and every one of the authors approving the publication.
  • Validation of the Ethics Committee of the institution where the study was conducted.
  • For clinical case studies, informed consent signed by parents (even if the paper does not contain the child’s photograph)
  • The degree of participation of each one of the authors involved in the article submitted for publication must indicate: conception, design, execution, analysis, interpretation of the results, writing, critical review. Other contributions should be included in the Acknowledgments Section.
  • Statement of availability of data and research. Authors must declare whether the data that has been used is available in open access repositories or state that it is not available. We suggest to attach one of the two following sentences, accordingly:
  • ‘The set of data supporting this paper’s results is available on ...’
  • ‘ The set of data supporting this paper’s results is NOT available’

 The papers shall be presented in Spanish in A4 page size, letter font Number 12, doble spacing, margins of 2.5cm and pages shall be numbered.

 Title’s Page:

  • Paper’s Title: concise and informative about the paper’s content.
  • Translated into English and Portuguese (optional).
  • Author’s List: every author’s first and last name, academic degree and / or institutional affiliation. This list shall include all authors who contributed to the paper’s conception, design, analysis, interpretation, drafting and review; Final approval of the version to be published.
  • All authors must provide their registered ORCID number.
  • One of the authors must provide their personal data (cell phone, e-mail) and they shall act as a liaison between the Secretariat, the Editorial Committee and the other authors in order to enable fluent communication among them. They shall state that you agree with the ruling CC license and they shall authorize Revista Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay to the publication and dissemination of the work.
  • Institution: Workplace’s Name and Address

 Materials submitted for publication shall be examined by the Editorial Committee, which shall assess their form and content. If approved, they shall be submitted to a double-blind peer review (expert and methodological reviewer). Once their opinion has been received and evaluated by the Editorial Committee, this shall result into:

  a)  the material being accepted and published without modifications;

  b) the material not being accepted and its publication rejected

  c) material being accepted and published with the modifications suggested by reviewers (authors shall send the corrected version that will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee). The papers’ publication order shall remain at the discretion of the Editorial Committee, which reserves the right to accept, suggest reductions or modifications of the text, graphic material, prior communication to the main author.

 Text Structure

The document shall consist of the following:

  • Spanish summary. (250 words) including the study or research objective, the material and methods used, the main results in quantitative form and main conclusions. Do not use non-standardized abbreviations. Use specific, brief expressions.
  • Summary in English and Portuguese. (optional).
  • (< of 10). It shall respect Mesh descriptors (Medical Subject Heading: controlled vocabulary of medical terms that identify the document’s content).
  • Summarize the rationale of the study or observation and clearly state the objective or objectives of the paper. When appropriate, explain the hypotheses whose validity you intend to demonstrate, without including data or conclusions of the work being presented.
  • Material and Methods (or Patients or "Population and Method"). Clearly describe the selection of subjects under observation. Identify methods, instruments, apparatus, and procedures used, accurately enough so that observers may reproduce their results. In case of established and frequently used methods just name them with their respective quotations. When the methods have already been published but are not known, provide the references and a brief description. When methods are new or you have applied modifications to established methods, describe them precisely, justify their use, and state their limitations.
  • Present your results in a logical sequence, according to the development of the text, tables and illustrations. Data can be displayed in tables or pictures. Do not repeat the data in the text, do not include comments in the results.
  • Discussion (or Remarks). Include only a discussion of the results obtained in the work being presented. Discuss and highlight the new and important aspects being presented with the conclusions proposed from them. Compare findings with other observations.
  • Tables and Illustrations. They shall be presented within the text with due reference. Do not send photographs of the tables. Number the tables in consecutive order in the header and include a short title. Place a short or abbreviated heading over each column. When explanatory notes are required, they shall be added at the bottom of the table and explanatory notes should be included at the bottom of the table for all non-standard abbreviations. Quote each table in consecutive order in the paper’s text. Illustrations (charts, ECGs, ultrasound tests and X-rays) shall have a simple design and they shall be self-explanatory (suggested size 10x15cm), they shall include identification and explanatory titles, legends (symbols, arrows, letters or numbers to indicate illustrations)
  • References. Bibliographic citations must comply with the Vancouver Standards (numerical citation system for biomedical, health and scientific publications). They must be indicated within the text numbered consecutively in order of appearance including the citations mentioned in Tables and Illustrations; This number should be inserted between curve parentheses. Remember that the hyphen includes and the comma excludes. We suggest limiting references to no more than 30. It is not considered ethical to cite of as one's own access, those mentions made by other authors in their scientific papers. Cite only the bibliography that you have read directly.
  • Acknowledgements. People who have contributed to the completion of the paper. Persons whose participation does not justify their status as authors shall be mentioned.

 Presentation characteristics by section:

Original. The suggested outline is: Summary; Keywords; Introduction (including the objective at the end of the Introduction); Material and methods; Tables and Illustrations; Results; Discussion or Comments; References. The maximum length of the text shall be 6000 words. 

Clinical case: The suggested outline is: Summary; Keywords; Introduction; Description of the Clinical Case; Tables and Illustrations; Discussion or Comments; References. The maximum length of the text shall be 3000 words.

  • Update and Review: The suggested outline is: Summary; Keywords; Introduction; Development; Tables and Illustrations; Conclusions; References. The maximum length of the text shall be 3000 words.
  • Guidelines and Consensus: The suggested outline is: Summary; Keywords; Introduction; Objectives; Tables and Illustrations; Discussion or Comments; References. The maximum length of the text shall be 5000 words.
  • Letter to the editor: The suggested outline is Summary; Development; Conclusions; Bibliographic references (if applicable). The maximum length of the text shall be 1500 words.

Artículo Original

The Paper must contain a sentence regarding its originality "the articles must be original and unpublished". Original Papers are those that intend to find an answer to one or several of the raised questions regarding etiology, pathophysiology, pathological anatomy, diagnosis, prevention and treatment. The Paper’s outline should include: Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion or Comments and Summary.

Caso Clínico

Include the description of one or more clinical cases that make an important contribution to the knowledge of the disease, and a review of the topic. Follow a similar outline to the item above and include a maximum of 1,500 words and 20 bibliographical quotes. A maximum of 4 pictures or tables will be accepted.


Discussion of recent advances made in Pediatrics. These articles are commissioned by the Editorial staff.

Carta al Editor

This Section may include Papers published by the Uruguayan Pediatric Archives or comments or experiences that can be summarized in a brief text. Similarly, a specialist opinion may be included and it should be of a similar length as the Briefings.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.