About the Journal

The Uruguayan Journal of Pediatrics is the Official Journal of the Uruguayan Society of Pediatrics (SUP). It receives medical papers submitted for publication regarding children and their environments. It is published in Spanish, in a continuous online modality, biannually. The material submitted for publication will be examined by the Editorial Committee, which evaluates form and content. If approved, it will be submitted to  a double-blind peer review (expert and methodological reviewer). To guarantee the originality and quality of the publications, the articles are submitted by this journal to the Crossref Similarity Check Plagiarism Detection Program.  Each paper will be assigned a unique DOI which and A persistent web document identifier. Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay does not charge any fees for papers’ submission or processing. The opinions or statements expressed in the journal reflect the views of the authors and do not represent the Editorial Board’s official opinion, unless stated otherwise.

Copyright. The authors retain their authorship rights by waiving to Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay the rights to the papers’ first publication.  Papers’  publications shall fall under Creative Commons license, open-source system, being the authors responsible for the contents and opinions expressed in them. (Creative Commons https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed).

Open Access and Digital Preservation Policies. The journal is on the open source OJS platform for open access publications. Archivos de Pediatría del Uruguay adheres to the LOCKSS Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe Program of Stanford University, a requirement of SciELO Uruguay. A PDF backup of all papers is carried out yearly on the SUP server and quarterly on an external disk. This publication encourages authors to store their papers in the Repositories they consider appropriate, whether their own or those belonging to an institution of their choice.

The system allows interoperability with international indexes and databases such as SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library on Line).

This journal adheres to the Ethics Committee for Publications (COPE) and ensures good practices for academic publication and the Code of Ethics of the Uruguayan Association of Journals (AURA).